Friday, June 27, 2008

Dud Dating and The Guy Downstairs...

In my blogging absence I have been dating some serious duds. It's actually become a joke at work. I go out with them at least twice...just to give them the benefit of the doubt...but until last week, I hadn't found a single person that truly piqued my interest.

That's right...I said, "until last week."

There's this guy...a cute, funny, guy that works downstairs in the pressroom. I work upstairs in advertising, and we never cross paths. Never. We've worked in the same building for 7 months, and I've seen him once. But as it turns out, his mom is the head of our graphics department. And as it also turns out...I had been invited to put a bunch of stuff in her yard sale. Low and behold there was "Pressroom Boy" hanging out at the yard sale. This, of course, was when I realized that not only is he tall, dark, and handsome...he's hilarious! And we hit it off pretty darn quickly. So after some serious flirting and a couple of days of "is he going to call or isn't he"...

...we have a date tomorrow! We're taking the kids to the park. (Yep, he's a dad.)

I feel like a 15 year old girl who just got asked to the freakin prom!

Updates to follow.

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